White Whale Group
Trusted Alternative Investment Partner We believe “Triumph of the Optimists”

Our Company
WWG Asset Management is an independent asset management company focused on alternative asset classes,
acting as a leading gateway for Korean capital sources seeking outbound investments.
WWG by the Numbers
Cumulative AUM
₩650 billion
Our Portfolio
We invest in various alternative asset classes, including private equity, real assets, and other special investment opportunities,
meeting the diverse needs of global institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals.
Hansung Cleantech
- Investment size
- 27.5 billion won
- Investment Date
- January 2018
- Exit Date
- March 2021
Hansung CleanTech is a specialized EPC ultrapure water and industrial water treatment business. This company has pushed for localization of ultrapure water, a key material in production of semiconductor, which has traditionally been reliant on overseas imports
- Investment size
- 23.0 billion won
- Investment Date
- December 2021
Semyung Tech is specialized in waste treatment and making eco-friendly circular energy with renewable resources. This hazardous waste collection and disposal business, governed by stringent regulatory constraints handles and recycles spent chemicals generated from key semiconductor and display manufacturing processes of major domestic companies like Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix.
- Investment size
- 7.0 billion won
- Investment Date
- December 2020
- Exit Date
- September 2023
Airrane provides innovative renewable energy solutions that specializes in gas separation membrane technology. Through its products, the company provides high-purity gas separation solutions for gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and helium. These technologies are designed to support the global transition to renewable energy and help achieve carbon neutrality goals.

Our Team
Our team is composed of professionals with extensive experience in alternative investments,
featuring hands-on management involvement and a strong track record of successful exits.
White Whale Group
in the News
the bell
WWG, 1000억대 '3호 블라인드펀드' 결성 순항
2025. 1. 31. Readthe bell
WWG·기앤파트너스, '800억 베팅' 이노켐 인수 완료
2025. 1. 16. Read서울경제
군인공제회, 3900억 PF·벤처펀드 운용사 17곳 선정
2024. 12. 26. Read한국금융신문
군인공제회, 국내 PE·VC 블라인드펀드 운용사에 맥쿼리운용 등 총 17곳 선정 ['큰 손' 연기금·공제회]
2024. 12. 16. Readthe bell
WWG-기앤파트너스, 이노켐 인수 추진
2024. 11. 4. Read파이낸셜 뉴스
성장금융-IBK, 중소기업 M&A에 1000억 베팅
2024. 10. 23. ReadDealSite
성장금융, 혁신성장펀드 매칭리그 한투PE 등 선정
2024. 10. 21. Readthe bell
코아오토모티브 590억 펀딩 완료, '테마섹' 클럽딜 합류
2024. 6. 3. Readthe bell
WWG자산운용, 제이엔에프 인수 '세명테크 볼트온'
2024. 5. 31. Read파이낸셜 뉴스
WWG자산운용, 코아오토모티브에 80억 투자
2024. 5. 31. Read톱데일리
혁신성장펀드, 자펀드 9개 GP 선정 완료
2024. 5. 31. Read연합인포맥스